Thursday, January 04, 2007

"the new Blogger"

well it's 2007! (wow, what an original opener for a new year post)

well i've been busy relaxing for the past week and a half or so. deb and i had a wonder vacation at the Cozy Rose. i highly recommend a stay there if you're ever in the area.

i also had a blast at the reallife New Year's Party. you can see pics and video here and here.

A A R R G G G H H H H ! ! ! i just got candle wax spilt all over my new office. (i had one candle balancing on two pencils over another candle in order to melt the wax. -- i like the smell. and then anna came over asking why i was doing that, bumped the pencils and then the top one fell over everything.)

anyways, i'm not sure what i was going to say in this post. but i'm not in the mood now after cleaning all this up.

// today i'm thankful for:
1. razor blades
2. great candles
3. earl creps
4. google video
5. macworld SF (4 days!)


maggie said...

i don't get the candle thing?? maybe you should invest in some Partylite candles from Jeannie - maybe then you wouldn't need pencils.

maggie said...

did you switch to "the new blogger"?