Saturday, August 12, 2006

what to say, what to say

well so much has happened since the last time i posted this may be a long one.

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first off, this whole summer our school district has been serving free breakfast and lunch to children under the age of 18. our daughters have loved going to go eat at "Compass High School". espcially danielle and julia since they didn't go to public school this year so it makes them feel like 'big' girls.

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today was the last day, they served food. they had sack lunches so we decided to go to the park a block a way and eat our final free lunch. we had fun.

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second grand event: a few weeks ago deb had a brilliant idea to celebrate the 12 months of the year in 12 days. so we've been pulling a "month" out of a hat every day and then celebrating the things that happen in that month on that day. so the first month was feb.; so we celebrated deb and danielle's birthdays as well as valentine's day. next was dec.; so we celebrated my birthday and christmas.

well yesterday was july; so we couldn't wait until that evening when it got dark in order to shoot off some fireworks! yes we still had some fireworks left over from last month.

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i only got pictures of them doing the sparkerlers and even that was a blurry picture, but then again, i don't think we want to much incriminating evidence.
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okay the last thing is Holy Spirit Weekend. friday night and most of saturday we've been having a Holy Spirit Weekend at our church. a time to learn about who the Holy Spirit is, what he does, and what his purpose is for the world and our lives. and mostly a time to seek Him. it's hard to express in to words all that God did in the lives of the people there. but perhaps these pictures will give a glimpse.

(click on any of the pictures to see a larger version.)


Sarah said...

How clever you are!!! Do you pick a month everyday for 12 days or once a week... ??

deblara said...

the original idea was to go all out and for 12 consecutive days celebrate a different month. however, it has turned into something to do when we're really bored or when daddy's not home.