if you'll notice the post time, you'll see that i'm up pretty late so all references to "today" actually mean 'friday, aug, 4, 2006'.
the girls got haircuts today. i didn't take any pictures yet, but i'll post them tomorrow.
hmmmm, so what else shall i say?? for those who don't know, i'm a mac user. i recently got my "first" mac in feburary. (first if you don't count the original purple iMac we got free from my inlaws that we only used to play pac the man.) anyways, i got one of the new Intel iMacs.click to read more [+/-]
it's a pretty sweet machine. and now i'm saving up to get one of the new MacBooks. and if your not a mac fan you probably don't know that on monday "the steve" will be taking the stage at WWDC to announce who knows what. and although i don't have any money right now to buy any of it, hopefully i will by the time it's dropped in price.
donations accepted! ;-) click below
well if you're a mac user, let me know in the comments. if not, tell me why.
donations accepted! ;-) click below
well if you're a mac user, let me know in the comments. if not, tell me why.
oh no aber no. This was not a good picture. you look like a mexican Jay Leno. Danielle looks like an alien, Julia looks like a conehead and Anna looks like she has a sagging face.
nice one
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