Sunday, August 06, 2006

debt free - priceless

ok okay, so we're not debt free, YET. but we will be! and we're changing our family tree at the same time.

in fact this morning when i was paying our kids for doing their chores this week. i tell them to put 10% in the 'giving' jar, 20% in the 'savings' jar, and the rest they can put all in the 'spending' jar or divide it up some more. danielle put some more in giving and then wanted to put the rest in savings. i asked, "don't you want to put some in spending for when we go to the store?" she replied, "i'll put one in spending, but the rest i want to put in savings for when we go to disneyland or disney world when we're debt free."
click to read more [+/-]

that's so awesome to me. not only does she know the power of savings, she knows that we will be debt free someday, and that daddy promised to take them to disneyland or disney world when we do!

anyways, here's a video i made:

oh and get debt free!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how nice the last one was funny