Friday, January 26, 2007

we're home!

(i'm sorry i didn't update this sooner, i just forgot to realize that people outside our 10 mile radius from our house read the blog and didn't hear first had the details of leaving the hospital) anyways, we made it home on thursday morning. julia was definitely feeling better on wednesday night. i could tell because she wasn't very tired and wanted to stay awake until late and she kept talking! she slept through the night without additional oxygen and her oxygen level was at 93% the next morning.

if you'd like to see her you can see the video on deb's blog - here.

in other news . . . i'm in the middle of finishing up a Grandview Assembly of God 2006 DVD, that includes all the pictures, videos, and other commercials from the year.

// today i'm thankful for:
1. being out of the hospital
2. sleeping in my own bed
3. getting our van fixed so quickly (thanks russ)
4. growing up with a father
5. memories of road trips to California

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God! We have been praying everyday. The girls are excited that God answered our prayer. Joelle (our 4 year old) said this morning that she wants to say 'hi' to Julia.

Blessings my Friend!
Aaron & family