Saturday, October 07, 2006

an unexpected compliment

i'm sitting in the saturday morning session of youth convention and i wanted to share an unexpected compliment i received last night.

i went to talk to some of our students who were sitting in a different section (because another group took some of the seats i had saved) after the alter call. and i heard one of my students say to another, "hey, that guy (the main speaker) sound just like abe every week?"

now like i said i wasn't near them most of the service so i don't know if he meant that he was sleeping through it and bored to tears . . . but the tone of his voice sounded positive.

what made this even more accute was a morning breakfast for youth pastors that we went today. at this breakfast the main speaker mentioned that when he was a youth pastor and brought kids to conventions his kids would mention how awesome the main speaker was and he would be thinking "i just preached that message two weeks ago!" his point wasn't to say how awesome a speaker he was but to prove that students don't always remember your week to week messages, but they do remember if you love them. but it was nice to know that at least one of my students thinks that i'm just as good of a speaker as the Youth Conference spaaker.


Anonymous said...

i definetely think you have SKILZ speaking, too Abe!

i enjoy learning from what you share.

maggie said...

as always you are awesome!

Sarah said...

Is Baby coming today??? Keep us posted!!!!