so i've completed the first week of school and here's my dilemma . . .
i've been working at the school for 3 years (i'm starting my 4th year) and have enjoyed the interaction with the students every year. yes, some moments have been more trying on my patience than others, but overall a good job. at times though i've felt '
underwhelmed' in my job duties. what i mean is that i thought to myself, "here i am a college graduate, and i'm earning a living by making photocopies of math dittos." or "aarrggghhh, these kids are so dumb, why don't they get it?? why can't they remember to bring a pencil to school!!!???" or "aaarrrggghhh, these teachers are so dumb, i could teach better than them, they can't control their class, why don't they give me something to do??" basically, my patience runs thin for stupid people.
click to read more [+/-]it's that last one that really has bored me with this job ". . . why don't they give me something to do?" there have been times that i just sit in a class watching the students, or reading a book, or surfing the internet. (in fact i'm writing this post in a text file while in class) because the teacher would be teaching, or the kids would be doing a test or assignment where i couldn't help them. yes, i'd walk around see if i could help but sometimes there'd be nothing to do. i wouldn't be correcting papers, or running copies, or helping students, there was just nothing for me to do.
i would come home for lunch since we live so close. and when it was time for me to go back my daughters would ask me where i was going and i'd reply, "i'm going to work." but after a while i wouldn't say that anymore; i'd just say, "i'm going to school." "why?" they'd ask. "because they pay me to
be there," i'd say. there were times in years past that i was struggling mentally about whether to come back the next year or not.
so far this year is different though. first of all, i only have one class where i feel like i'm
baby-sitting a student. i also have three classes where i'm helping in math (which is my forte). but what i like most about this year is my second period class. second period is the AVID class. i'm not exactly sure what AVID stands for, but basically it's pretty smart kids that i'll be helping/tutoring to be even more excellent students. the emphasis is to help prepare them for college. a major component of the class is to help teach organization. (don't we all need that a little more!)
so, basically i'm saying i like the classes i have this year. the problem i have though is that this past summer i applied to work at the walmart distribution center in town. it's a lot harder work than at the school but more hours and pay. the reason i decided to do this is because we've been working to get out of debt. right now with over $40k in debt (39k in school loans) and an 'adjusted gross income' for 2005 of $22k it's gonna take a long time to pay all that off. even with our aggressive plan and listening to dave ramsey, we're still looking at about 5 years or so. but with a new job at walmart and still aggressively paying down our debt, we see our freedom in about 2, maybe 2.5 years.
so my problem is that i reapplied at walmart the day before school started because i'm determined to get the job. my plan was to try to get hired on the weekday day shift (which is actually the hardest shift to get, but my brother-in-law has been putting in a good word for me) and then quit the school job.
but now, i like my job at the school. (if you're reading jorge, i'm still strongly committed to working at the DC) but i almost want to maybe get the weekday evening shift which is from 3.30pm? till like 1am, so that i can still wake up and work at the school from 7.15am to 2.15pm.
it would be even more income than what i had anticipated and we could be out of debt even sooner. on the other hand it would be a
lot of work and possibly even too demanding of a schedule. so maybe i should just still seek the weekday day shift and part ways with the school???
hmmmmm, keep me in prayer over this decision. who knows, perhaps i won't even have to make it. maybe walmart won't even want me . . .
in His hands,

so deb is back from her women's conference (thank goodness!). but during her absence i had an interesting experience - i watched "wwe's friday night Smackdown". i don't normally watch "professional wrestling" - grown men in underwear beat each other up. but i found myself inexplicably captivated and unable to look away. i had a pleathera of feelings during this time.
first, if the whole thing is staged then it certainly is a painful dance. and if it's not staged then these wrestlers truly are dumb. because usually one of them looks obviously more "ripped" than the other. i don't care how good the money is, why would the weaker/flabby-er guy get in the ring to get beat up week after week. on the rare occasion that they are equal in strength they fight until one of them is almost beaten and then all of a sudden he acquires some super strength in the final minutes as if he's possesed. and he's doing all these fancy trick moves to counter act his opponent's advances. my question is, "if he knew all these fancy moves why didn't he use them before he got beat up??" they must be stupid.
secondly i couldn't understand why i was so drawn to watching it. i don't consider myself to be a "guy's guy". i don't fix cars, i've never been hunting, i'm not one for manual labor, i've never driven a motorcycle, i've never been to a monster truck show, i don't watch any sport religiously, and so i certainly am not one to watch "professional wrestling". maybe it was because deb was gone i could watch for more than 3 seconds without changing the channel. maybe it was because when i was a kid i used to try to get interested in the WWF because all my friends were into "hulk holgan, 'the giant', and others." or maybe part of it was seeing how enthusiastic the crowd was during the whole spectacle. it reminded me of what days of the gladiators; with an arena full of people seeing to challengers duel to the death.
in any case, it was really wierd to find myself watching it.
okay, my running is continuing but i need to up the pace a little. as stated on this post, i've set myself a goal of running 100 miles in 4 weeks using the nike+ sportkit to track my progress. this works out to a little bit more than 3.5 miles a day. as of this morning i'm about 2.5 miles behind my goal. the reason this is significant is because on my own i would be 'fine' if i exercised ~5 days a week with an average of 1-3 miles per workout. but now if i skip a day i'll fall even more behind in my distance goal. so in order to allow myself a day off or two a week, i'm gonna have to start running/walking 5-6 miles/week. i'll keep you posted on my progress. oh and if anyone who reads this has a nike+ system and would like to start a 'challenge' your welcome to email me. (click on my profile in the upper right for a link to email me)
finally, the reality of the fact that we're gonna have a baby just hit me today. what got me thinking of this is a sixth grader in my first period class. she just came back today after a week vacation with her family to disneyland! and it got me thinking that 6th grade is a perfect age to take a family vacation to disneyland. i thought this mostly because they're old enough to have fun with their parents and be somewhat independent, but not old enough to think it's a drag to have to go on a vacation with their parents. anyways it got me thinking, "if we go when anna (our oldest) is in 6th grade what grade will the others be?" and then i had to keep thinking because there's another kid coming into the mix that i hadn't thought of before. so if anna is in sixth grade; danielle in 4th; julia in 2nd; and the "new kid" in kindergarden! wow, what a trip that will be. or should we wait until julia's in 5th or 6th grade??
now we've promised "the girls" that we'll go to disneyland when we're 'out of debt' and anna for one is quick to remind us of that fact. at our current pace we'll be out of debt when she's in 4th or 5th grade. so we'll see when it all happens.
well that was sure a lot to write, and even more to comment about. i guess that's what i get for being so lax in my writing recently . . .