Monday, July 31, 2006

La Super Bakery & Sudoku

anna and i went to La Super Bakery (in case you didn't get it from the "La" at the begining, it's a mexican bakery). anyways, it simply amazes me how much our girls love going to that place. i had felt a little detatched from anna this past week and so last night as i tucked her into bed i asked if we could do something special tomorrow "just me and her". and to my surprise she said, "go to the Super Bakery."

so this morning we when she woke up she came quietly into my room and said, "it's time to go." i had told her she had to be quiet or she'd wake up her sisters and then they'd want to go too. we got some churros, pan de huevo, and some sprinkle cookies. click to read more [+/-]

and in other news, deb and i have been on a big Sudoku kick. she got into it first and then i picked it up too. so we'll print off a page and then have a race as to who can finish it first. it's been fun. try it!

and finally i preached yesterday morning and posted the audio "HERE". it's about 37 miniutes long or so but tell me what you think or if you were there yesterday. i'd also like to hear more than "good job, pastor abe", let me know how it affected you, are you changed? or if you were unaffected at all?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

looking for a new look

ok i've spent a long time searching for a new blog template. no luck, so i gotta get on with the rest of my saturday with the family.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

back to the blogging world (thanks for waiting for us)

well i'm back, i'd forgotten what my sign in was and i think i'm finally ready to get back into this blogging world for reals. anyway, i'll mostly be sharing stuff about life here at the lara house in g'town.

here's an updated pic of the fam: